We are committed to working with families to ensure that their children, including those with significant disabilities, receive the comprehensive services needed to meet their developmental, health, and social needs. Specially trained teachers and staff provide services to children with disabilities and their families. It is our intention to make sure that children with disabilities receive the guidance and expectation of services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and their families receive all pertinent program services delivered in the least restrict environment and that they participate in all program activities. Best practices have also employed us to individually plan for children who may be at risk, but not meeting the eligible criteria for services under IDEA. Furthermore, we believe that our classrooms are the ideal place for children with disabilities to begin to socialize with their peers in a setting of acceptance and inclusion. We recognize that parents are their children’s primary teachers and nurturers; which allows us to engage parents in their children’s learning and development that lead to successful school readiness. This is approach is holistic as it integrates with all other services areas in promoting children to develop to their highest potential. Our partnerships with local schools and other relevant community partners supports the individual plans for our children with disabilities. We provide for the full inclusion of children with disabilities as regulated by Head Start Program Performance Standards and the Individual with Disabilities Education Act of 2004; along with the Every Student Succeeds Act. Friends of Children of MS, Incorporated has a long standing history of serving disabled children with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities.

I don’t have a dis-ability. I have a different-ability ~ Robert M. Hensel